miércoles, 23 de marzo de 2011


Si os quedásteis con las ganas de saber cómo construir vuestros propios coches del proyecto de Conocimiento del Medio, aquí tenéis la receta, Natalia Fernández os lo cuenta.

Here you have how to make a Science project car.

Last week , the students of 5ºA and 5ºB made a project of energy sources, we made a racing car.

Here you are the steps to make it:

1.You need: scissors, a box, two pencils, four cotton reels, three rubber bands and a stapler

2.Cut off the top of the box to make the body of the car.

3.Make four holes at the bottom of the box with the scissors.

4.Tie one end of the rubber bands to the middle of one of the pencils.

5.Tie three rubber bands together.

6.Push the pencils through the holes. Put cotton reels on the ends of the pencils.

7.Staple the other end of the rubber bands to the back of the box.

8.Wind up the pencil that has the rubber bands.

The rubber bands are a source of stored energy. When they are released, their energy transfers to the wheels as motion energy.

By: Natalia Fernández Espinosa. 5º A.

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