martes, 26 de abril de 2011

San Marcos

San Marcos Day is an important day in Adra. Yesterday we celebrated it. San Marcos Day is also a special day because it's the day of the farmers, in Adra there are lots of farmers.

In this day (25th of April) horses and donkeys go out through some streets accompanying the procession of San Marcos.

By María Martín  6th A
April 25th is a very important day in Adra because we celebrate San Marcos Day.
It is a very old tradition. People go to parties, they wear flamenco dresses and other people wear typical costumes of Adra: striped skirt, white shirt and headscarf. There is also a Party Queen and her Honor Ladies.
The children go to the funfair and people eat in bars, restaurants, etc,..
Everyone sing, dance and is happy. And I really enjoy because, that day is the birthday of my mother. And I go to the

By Alberto Barranco Godoy. 5ºA